Post Office manager Angelique on the smell of Summer.

Post Office manager Angelique on the smell of Summer.

Angelique runs our local post office at Caerwent, so has played a pretty vital role in our growing candle business. We got chatting one day and it turns out she used to be a scientist and has inherited a keen sense of smell from her father who was a Nose. We asked her to share one of her happiest scent memories. Over to Angelique…

“The scent of warm grain instantly takes me back to growing up in Suffolk in the 1970’s. Long hot summers playing in the fields behind our house, then the massive combines working all day and night to bring in the harvest. The itchiness of thunder flies and gorgeous harvest moons and sunsets as the husk dust lingered in the atmosphere. Closely linked with the scent of burning stubble, which of course no longer follows harvest (and rightly so, ecologically speaking!).

It is a scent which also followed me when I became a scientist at an agricultural research station in the 1990s, giving me reminders of two distinct happy periods of my life."

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